First let me say this, you do not need a gym to get
in shape. We started out by just walking. I did try running but my knees
disagreed with that idea! Your body will adapt to any exercise so you need to switch your programs
every few weeks. Switching it up will also allow you to add variety to your routine and not become bored. I recommend talking with your DR before you jump into any
Start slowly.
Even though we have a lot of things in our gym, we bought one piece at a time. The first thing we bought was an elliptical. If you buy one make
sure the foot boards are close together. The higher end $1000.00 + models will
have this feature. The less expensive ones will not. The reason for it is you want your
hips, knees and feet to be in a straight vertical line to prevent joint injury.
In the summer months,
we have bicycles and I have a trailer on mine to carry my grand daughter so we can be outside. In the winter months, we have an indoor trainer which allows you to use your outside bike indoors.
Then we added a Vectra home gym.
For more info go to
We found it on Craig's List and paid $500.00
it retails for about $8500.00.
We also added all kind of free weights, bands and balls. Then we added a TV. We wanted to be able to do
some Pilates, yoga and cardio videos. We also have the walls covered with daily work outs. There are three of us with three different abilities. So each daily workout has something for all of us.
And then my favorite. A rowing machine. It
gives you a full body work out. Ours is water filled and you can set the
resistance to make it different levels of difficulty. If you're trying to decide on spending $1,000.00 on a rower or an elliptical the rowing machine is a better choice because it gives you a much better work out.
We also have an inversion table to decompress
our spines.
We have bad backs and our surgeon recommend it
to us.
I hope this gives you some ideas to build the
gym that is perfect for your needs. If you have any questions, ask in the
comments and I will answer them.
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